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Radical Movements: Gender and Politics in Performance (2017)

Maryam Rostami in the premiere of “Untitled 1396”.jpeg

In 2017, the program Radical Movements: Gender and Politics in Performance expanded Bridge Live Arts’ (formerly The Bridge Project) curatorial focus from women choreographers to gender more broadly. Radical Movements challenged the historically exclusionary scope of postmodernism to include artmaking and critical thinking from a range of perspectives. Six different programs brought together leading artists, activists, and thinkers in conversation and performance inspired by the question: What does it mean to have a radical body?

Performance History

  • SEPT 18, 2017: They, Themselves and Schmerm by Becca Blackwell (Z Below, San Francisco)

  • NOV 3, 2017: Ordinary Practices of the Radical Body featuring Judith Butler and Monique Jenkinson in conversation (Counterpulse, San Francisco)

  • NOV 4, 2017: dance of darkness: a performance, a conversation, a rehearsal for the future by Jack Halberstam and boychild (Counterpulse, San Francisco)

  • NOV 10, 2017: Audience Salon moderated by Hope Mohr and special guests. Featuring Discussion of Radical Movements audience reader, performances from weekend one, and the question “what does it mean to have a radical body?” (Counterpulse, San Francisco)

  • NOV 10, 2017: You Really Should Sit Like A Lady (or how I got to Femme) by Lisa Evans of Peacock Rebellion (Counterpulse, San Francisco)

  • NOV 11, 2017: Untitled 1396 by Maryam Rostami (Counterpulse, San Francisco)

  • NOV 12, 2017: a.u.l.e. - an unnamed lived experience Exploratory performances by Julie Tolentino, Amara Tabor-Smith, Larry Arrington, Xandra Ibarra, and Maurya Kerr, developed as part of Tolentino's year-long Community Engagement Residency.  Followed by a group discussion with the artists, joined by Tolentino's colleagues, Debra Levine (New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and The Hemispheric Institute for Politics and Performance) and Scot Nakagawa with ChangeLab. (Joe Goode Annex, San Francisco)

  • NOV 12, 2017: Radical Movements Artist Reception (Joe Goode Annex, San Francisco)

Curated by: Hope Mohr


Radical Movements was co-produced by CounterPulse, sponsored by the Joe Goode Annex, and supported by the NEA, the California Arts Council Artists Activating Communities grant, San Francisco Grants for the Arts, the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, the Sakana Foundation, and generous individual donors.

Header Image: Maryam Rostami in the premiere of “Untitled 1396”

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