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2025-26 Community Engagement Residency

About the Community Engagement Residency


The Community Engagement Residency offers year-long support for historically marginalized dance and movement artists to engage in a creative process within their self-defined communities. The core values of the residency are equity, dialogue, process, artist autonomy, intersecting art-making and activism, and building meaningful relationships among artists. CER differs from other arts residencies in that it allows artists to deepen their inquiry and relationships with their community without emphasizing product-driven outcomes, like a performance or public event. Since its establishment in 2017, the CER has evolved into a powerful springboard for participating artists, many of whom go on to lead important equity work in the field. Across a 7+ year history, the program has supported 27 artists who collectively have engaged over 1,300 individuals through embodied research, workshops, dialogues, performances, and community offerings that cultivate power specifically among queer/trans, Black, Latinx, and Asian artists.


To read the program’s full history, visit:


Artistic Support

B.L.A.’s CER residency aims to support artists in a multitude of ways for the long-term development and sustainability of their project, which includes:

  • Financial Support: A $8000 stipend for independent artists, partnerships, or collectives disbursed over the course of the year (may increase depending on funding). Plus, an additional $2000 for project expenses (may include guest artist fees, space and venue rental, supplies etc.)

  • Thought-Partnership: B.L.A. seeks residency artists who value dialogue and exchange and a desire to access B.L.A.’s team for questions relating to any aspect of growing capacity and sustainability in your practice. As an organization, B.L.A. staff and CER artists learn from each other in a symbiotic relationship—exchanges with staff include consistent check-ins at intervals that work for you - typically monthly, bi-monthly.

  • Professional Development: CER residents are supported in developing their skills through dedicated working sessions with B.L.A. staff or aligned consultants/organizations. There is a $1500 shared budget between CER artists to cover the costs of workshops, classes, and resources that further their professional development.

  • Marketing Support: B.L.A. shares and promotes related activities to your CER project across social, web, and email. 

  • Future Collaborations: The opportunity to be a thought partner in developing B.L.A.’s activities after completing your residency.   

  • Networking: Access to a broad range of artists in our network, including past CER artists, funders, and organization representatives.

  • Resources: Access to tools, spreadsheets, and process-builders in grant writing, pay equity, shared leadership, project management, and marketing areas.


B.L.A. will accept applications from independent artists, partnerships, and collectives residing in San Francisco, Marin, Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma Counties. Interdisciplinary artists are welcome to apply, but the proposed project should articulate an embodied component and explain how the project focuses on centering the body. Black, Indigenous, Queer, Transfolk, disabled, and people of color are encouraged to apply.


You are not eligible to apply if: 

  • Your project is happening outside of the San Francisco Bay Area, CA.

  • You or your collective were funded by the CER residency within the last 5 years.


As part of the residency, CER Artists commit to:

  • Capacity and desire to be in dialogue with B.L.A. staff around capacity-building programming for CER artists during the residency.

  • Partner with B.L.A. to ideate through monthly check-ins,  initial visioning and design, mid-point and end-point check-ins, and annual review.

  • Process-oriented, you don’t need to end up where you started; transparency around the process

  • Attending B.L.A. and CER-related events


The Community Engagement Residency is a year-long commitment that takes place from September 1, 2025 - August 31, 2026, in the San Francisco Bay Area. 


- Application Opens: Feb 3, 2025

- Application Deadline: March 3, 2025

- Open Virtual Office Hours with Co-Directors, jose e. abad or Rebecca Fitton via Zoom: February 3 - March 3, 2025

- Review Period: March 4 - April 28, 2025 

- Notifications: March 16, 2025


A panel of 3-6 former Community Engagement Artists along with Bridge Live Arts staff, will select 1-2 artists/artist collectives to receive funding for the 2024-2025 cycle.

*Video/Audio Application - If you prefer to record a video or audio of yourself answering the application questions, we will accept video or audio submissions up to 5 minutes in length. Please send a link to your video or audio application along with your work sample to with the subject line: “CER Application: Video/Audio Submission.”

*Downloadable PDF Version of application

Please note that the word counts are suggested, but not explicit. We will accept applications that go over by up to 10-25 words.

The deadline for submission is Monday, March 3, 2025, by midnight. 



About Bridge Live Arts

Bridge Live Arts (B.L.A) creates and supports equity-driven live art that builds community and centers artists as agents of change. B.L.A. furthers this mission through arts and culture programming that deepens our core organizational values: cultural equity, anti-racism, exchange, artists as agents of change, the wisdom of the body, and putting dance in dialogue with the world. We find joy in deepening inclusivity in our organization, experimenting with different permutations of leadership, and employing financial transparency to fuel and grow artist power. Our five-person artist-administrator staff operates within an evolving model of distributed leadership. 


A Note about CER Funding

B.L.A is committed to financial transparency in our partnerships with artists. To this end, we want to share that the CER has been funded in the past through the California Arts Council (CAC). B.L.A will apply again to CAC for funding for the 2024-25 Community Engagement Residency cohort. We anticipate asking for funding for at least $25,000. If selected as a lead artist, B.L.A. will share the CAC grant proposal with you, including the proposed budget. CER receives additional funding from the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Cultural Equity Initiative to support the longevity and development of the program. Throughout the residency, we commit to ongoing financial transparency with lead artists, tracking expenses as they occur through shared documents and staying in open dialogue about how residency resources are used.


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Open Call for Board Members

B.L.A. is at an exciting and pivotal time as we continue to evolve and emerge, staying present in the possibilities of shared leadership and equitable structures for employees and artists, acknowledging that our work is specific to our community and needs, and is an ongoing process. We currently seek individuals eager to contribute to our mission, who are excited about the arts and interested in experimenting with equitable organizational models, to join and contribute to our growing non-traditional board of directors. Board members from diverse backgrounds are welcome, including but not limited to socio-economic status, profession, gender, race, or ethnicity.


Interested in joining our board?


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B.L.A. Board Members: Top, L to R - Ranu Mukherjee, Peekaboo, Holly Jones, Rose Huey,
Bottom, L to R -  Jessi Barber,, Rebecca Fitton, Afia Thompson, Lins Derry 

Board Member Responsibilities

  • Commit to a two-year term of service.

  • Attend monthly Board meetings.

  • Support board-led committees.

  • Stay informed about and engaged in B.L.A's programming.

  • Support staff with areas of work to help further our mission and values.

  • Experiment with creating an equitable organizational model that aligns with B.L.A.’s commitment to Distributed Leadership.

  • No prior board experience or financial contribution is required.

We seek Board Members who:

  • Who align with and exhibit our values in their daily lives: wisdom of the body; dance in dialogue with the world; artists as visionary agents of social change; exchange; anti-racism; and equity).

  • Who can commit to giving 3-5 hours per month.

  • Who can commit to serving for 2 years.

  • Who are willing to share or connect the organization with financial and non-financial resources.

© 2022 Bridge Live Arts

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